About Me

Well, I said "one and done". I guess I lied.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Happy New Year!
While I don't usually buy into New Year's resolutions, I guess right now is as good of a time as any to take stock and resolve to do a couple things a little differently this year.
So...call them what you like...but here are mine.  I would call these workout resolutions, but I'm not sure that that would be entirely accurate. I think that any good resolutions will probably carry over into the rest of life as well.

1. Be more joyful.
Despite having a pretty amazing year in 2010, I feel like I spent much of the time complaining: about my workouts, about the weather, about my times, about my job. So much of what I complained about this year were things that I did out of choice (seriously, no one is holding a gun to my head at 6:30 in the morning and forcing me out for a 20-miler), but a lot of the time I forgot this and grumbled my way out the door anyway. Therefore, I resolve this year to find more joy in everything I do: to remind myself that I am lucky to be healthy and fit enough to get up and run 20 miles, to remind myself that I teach because I love it (even if I am having a terrible day), to remind myself that in everything I give up for sport, I am gaining so much more in health and fitness and experiences (and that being able to run a marathon or do an Ironman is well worth a couple of missed bar nights).

2. To not procrastinate and to finish the things that I set out to do.
Oh, how I love to procrastinate. Procrastination is my undoing. I've learned over the years that no matter how daunting a 15 mile run or 3 hour bike seems at 6am, it will only get more so, not less, as the day wears on. Therefore, I resolve to stop being so damn lazy and just get whatever needs to be done done (please hold me to this people).

3. To be more organized.
I spent a half an hour this morning looking for my cold-weather running jacket and my facemask.
I never did find the face mask. Enough said.

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