About Me

Well, I said "one and done". I guess I lied.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Bike Class

So, I've explained that one of the two group workouts that I do is our "bike class". Several people have asked me questions about what bike class looks like from a practical standpoint (thanks for reading mom & dad!). I have been asked questions like "do you ride outside?", "You bring your own bike?", and "you realize that this is the stupidest thing you've ever done, right?" (although that last one doesn't really have much to do with bike class, it is a contender for most asked question, so I thought I'd throw it in).
So, to put it simply, here is what happens at bike class:
Yes, you bring your own bike. You set it up on this thing that is called a computrainer (which is really expensive, because unlike runners, triathletes aren't happy with something unless it costs at least a thousand dollars. And then they find more stuff to add to it until it costs two thousand dollars [but that is another post entirely]). The computrainer does two things: like a regular trainer, it holds the back wheel of your bike in place so you can ride your own bike without going anywhere; however, it also contains a computer (that's the compu- part of the computrainer). The computer does a whole bunch of things. It measures your power output (watts) and it also puts pressure on the back wheel of your tire at appropriate times to simulate hills, etc (they can program whole course rides into the computer, so you can ride inside and it's just like riding outside but without the nature). All the bikes are lined up facing the computer screens, kind of like a spinning class, but with real bikes. While all this is going on, the coach walks behind, giving advice, answering questions, and calling out the work-out changes. Like a spin instructor, she wears one of those cute little headsets that amplify her voice. Unlike a spin instructor, however, she can kick your ass: I mean, really kick your ass (honestly, I'm terrified of her).
So, basically, you come in, set up your bike and sweat for an hour (or two, or three) while staring at a flat-screen and listening to really loud pop music.
It's not actually as bad as it sounds.

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