About Me

Well, I said "one and done". I guess I lied.

Sunday, February 27, 2011

Test Week

Well, today ends test week (rest week).
Long story short: I am humbled. It's one thing to start marathon training knowing that you are a little out of shape and to feel it on some of your long runs, it's another thing to prove it to yourself in each sport and have the data to back it up (Do I really need data to tell me that I'm fat and out-of-shape? Stupid triathletes).
I'm pretty sure that I'm supposed to see this "as a motivator to improve", but really, I just find figuring out that I am horrendously out of shape very discouraging.
At one point during my run-test (which went terribly, thankyouverymuch) I started wondering if maybe the cough that I have had had turned into pneumonia. Ummm...yeah, I'm pretty sure that not being able to hold a sub-seven minute mile is not a diagnostic tool for diagnosing any kind of illness (and if it is, I'm sure about 98% of Americans have that disease).
I guess that the lesson to be learned here is that I need to take charge of my training and really embrace the workouts and enjoy the journey and improvement. But right now, I don't want to. Right now, I'm just feeling bad for myself and feeling like training is going to be impossibly long on such poor base fitness.
Perhaps I shouldn't have rested quite so hard this winter.

1 comment:

  1. First of all, now understand that I love you, But if I EVER hear you say/write/even think you say that you're fat I will come find your Skinny ass and beat the Sh#it out of you!!!

    now, on a lighter note, don't take it so hard. You have months to get your times down. Don't get discouraged. Get stronger :)
